Certifiable Resin Supply Chain

Certifiable Resin Supply Chain
At present, aside from the threat of long-term decline, there are few external mechanisms for stopping the damaging harvesting practices that are killing the trees. Furthermore, while some claim sustainability, to date there has been no independent verification of this and thus no way for international buyers to ensure they are purchasing ethically.
We are working with a range of partners, including local and international companies, to establish a sustainable supply chain for frankincense resin, which can then be certified and verified. Certification will mean that the resin was harvested from sustainably managed trees and that the harvesters were paid a fair price; it will also need tree-to-buyer verification. This supply chain must also ensure that harvesters who comply with the certification requirements are paid a higher price for their resin. Other mechanisms, such as community asset funds for education, healthcare, and development projects are also good options.
We welcome contact and collaboration with people who are involved in cooperatives or sustainable processes in Somaliland. Please reach out to us, we are working to establish a model for sustainability and of course we don’t want to invent the wheel. Contact us and we can work together on these issues.